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- 93/5/29 GuiArc 1.15 Users's Reference Manual. Page 1
- GuiArc V1.15
- Graphical User Interface for Achivers.
- 1. Copy-rights.
- This program is spread as FreeWare. It means you may freely
- distribute and copy this program, as long as everything stays
- unchanged and all documentation and other files are spread with
- it.
- It also means, that this program is Copy-righted by me, the
- author of this program. You are not allowed to change anything,
- ask money for the program or use the program commericaly. Nobody
- but myself is allowed to make money with this program. This also
- implicates that this program may not be included with any
- commercial product without written permission of the author.
- This programm may be included on non-commercial PD disks like
- Fish Disks.
- 2. Distribution contents.
- The distribution should contain at least:
- GuiArc
- GuiArc.info
- GuiArc.doc
- GuiArc.doc.info
- GuiArc.doc.eng
- GuiArc.doc.eng.info
- ArcTypes
- ArcTypes.info
- The file 'GuiArcConfig' may absolutely NOT be included in any
- distribution. When this file is present, the requester which is
- shown at the start of the programm, will be disabled, and I think
- every body should see this requester at least one time :-).
- 3. What's the program for.
- This program is written, to give you a user friendly and easy to
- use method of dealing with archivers. The main archiver where I
- wrote this program for, is 'Lha' from Stefan Boberg, but the
- program is fully configurable to use an unlimited number of
- different archivers at once.
- The program recocnizes different types of archives automaticly
- from their file pattern. When you, for example, select 5
- archives, of different types, and shoose 'extract' from the
- gadgets menu, all archives will get unpacked, with their own
- archiver. The program automaticly selects the correct archiver.
- This is also done with all other actions, like adding and
- listing. When you create a new archive, and don't explicitly
- specify the type, the first defined type (default 'lha') will be
- chosen.
- 93/5/29 GuiArc 1.15 Users's Reference Manual. Page 2
- 4. How to use the program.
- You can start the program from CLI or WorkBench. After that, it
- will open a window on the WB-screen, that looks like this:
- +--------------------+ +--------------------+
- | | | |
- : A : : B :
- : : : :
- | | | |
- +--------------------+ +--------------------+
- | C | | D |
- +--------------------+ +--------------------+
- +------------+ +-----+ +------------+ +-----+
- | | | | | | | |
- | E | | F | | G | | H |
- +------------+ +-----+ +------------+ +-----+
- The blocks A and B will contain the contents of the selected
- directory or archive for the left and right work area. C and D
- contains the path for A and B. They're editable. Blocks E and G
- are short-cuts for the paths C and D. The right-bottom most
- gadget of each block is configurable. And at last, F and H
- contain gadgets for all different actions you can perform on the
- archives.
- 5. Possible actions.
- In this chapter, I will discuss all actions you can perform on
- archives with this program. Therefore, I will first introduce
- some terms.
- The source area is always the block (A or B) whose contents are
- used to perform the actions on. If you selected an action in
- F, block A is the source area, and the same with H and B. If
- you selected the action by double clicking, the area you
- first clicked in, is the source area.
- The target area is the block where the results of the action are
- placed. This is always the other block.
- The source archive is a selected archive in the source area. This
- can be the source area itself (if you are 'in' a archive) or
- one or more selected archives in the source area.
- Source files are the selected files and/or directories in the
- source area. This can be files/directories in a directory or
- from the archive you're 'in'. This depends on the action you
- want to perform.
- 93/5/29 GuiArc 1.15 Users's Reference Manual. Page 3
- A target archive is the selected archive in the targed area.
- Again, this can be the target area itself (if you're 'in' an
- archive) or exactly one selected archive in the target area.
- If not, the program will ask for the name of a new file.
- Some actions can be activated with an other method than clicking
- the gadget or pressing the underlined letter. This will be
- mentioned at the action. An action is always performed from the
- source area, to the destenation area, or, is case no result will
- show up, in the source area. This actions are possible (if
- supported by the archiver, Lha supports them all...)
- Add
- With add, you can add files to an archive (surprise!). The
- source files are added to the destenation archive, wich is
- created, if nessesary. When a new archive is created, the
- default type is the one of the first defined archive type.
- Ofcourse you can force the program to use a different
- archiver, by adding the right file-extension (or so) to the
- name. For example, if you type 'test', the archive
- 'test.lha' will be created with 'Lha' (supposing 'lha' is
- the first defined type) but, if you type 'test.zoo' the
- archive 'test.zoo' will be created, with the archiver 'Zoo'.
- This way, you can select all different archivers.
- You can also start adding files to an archive, by, after
- selecting the last file to add, clicking in the destenation
- archive within the time of a double-click. You must be 'in'
- the destenation archive in the destenation area.
- Move
- Similair to add, but all added files will be deleted from
- the source. This action can not be activated in an other
- way.
- Ext/Cp
- Ext means Extract. All selected source archives, will be
- unpacked and the result will be in the destenation area. If
- you are 'in' a source archive, only those files wich are
- selected, will be unpacked.
- Cp means Copy. This will copy all (non-archive) files and/or
- directorys to the destenation area. The programm uses the
- cli 'Copy' instruction for this action, so this command
- should be available in your path (normally in the C:
- directory).
- You can also activate extract by, after you selected the
- last source archive (source file within an archive),
- clicking in the destenation area within the time of a
- double-click.
- View
- View lets the archiver show you the contents of the archive
- in an output window. This action acts on the source
- archives. If you select non-archive files and then activate
- 'View' (or double-click on non-archive files), the files
- will be showd, using the 'File viewer' selected in the
- Configuration menu (default: "Sys:Utilities/More").
- List can also be activated by double clicking within an
- archive or on a non-archive file.
- Test
- Test acts as if the archive will be extracted, but will not
- extract. Just to test. All source archives will be tested.
- No other activation method is possible.
- 93/5/29 GuiArc 1.15 Users's Reference Manual. Page 4
- Delete
- Delete will delete files. This can be files within an
- archive, or plain files or directories. When you are 'in' an
- archive, all selected source files will be deleted from the
- archive. When you are in a directory, all selected files and
- directories will be deleted from that directory. Deletion of
- non-empty directories is not possible.
- Before the programm deletes files or directories, it asks
- your to confirm this deletion, to avoid unwanted deletions
- of files. This option can be disabled in the configuration
- menu.
- 6. The menu's.
- The program has only three menu-items. 'Quit' is easy. It quits
- the program (same as the close gadget). 'About' will give you
- some 'on-line' information about the program.
- And finaly, 'Configure' lets you adjust some things about the
- program. You can ajust:
- - The path-short-cut gadgets at the bottom right of both
- blocks, can be adjusted. You can type in your own name and
- path.
- - When the program starts, both areas can be automaticly
- filled with the contents of an archive or directory. You can
- give in these default paths/archives here. When you leave
- this empty, nothing is read.
- - The viewer used for viewing non-archive files, can be
- entered in the 'File viewer' gadget. Please, use the full
- path and name of the viewer.
- - The next to gadgets let you disable the confirmation before
- deletion of files from archives or of files and directories
- from directories.
- - The gadget 'Archive flags' will bring you to a window where
- you can (de)select eleven options for the archivers. These
- options are specific for Lha, but some other archivers also
- support them.
- When you select 'OK', the flags are active. Selecting
- 'Cancel' in the configuration windown, will not cancel the
- flag settings.
- - With the gadget 'Save' you can save the settings to the file
- 'GuiArcConfigure', wich is located in the same directory as
- the program.
- 7. Different types of archive(r)s.
- As mentioned before, the program is able to deal with many
- different file archivers. You can configure the diffente
- archivers, by editing (or creating) the file 'ArcTypes', which is
- placed in the same directory as the program itself. The
- distribution of the program, contains an 'ArcTypes' file with
- definitions for: Lha 1.42, Zoo 2.1 Beta, Ape 1.35 and Arc 0.23.
- Unfortunately, Zoo is verry bad programmed. So bad, it ain't even
- possible to redirect it's output to an anther file, and thus you
- can't enter the archive by doubble clicking it. With all other
- archivers, this is possible, and I think, this is the strength of
- GuiArc!
- I think the settings will do for new versions of these archivers,
- however, you can change them yourself easily. The description of
- the 'lha' type below, is integrated in the program. These
- 93/5/29 GuiArc 1.15 Users's Reference Manual. Page 5
- settings are used when the file 'ArcTypes' can't be found.
- The format of the 'ArcTypes''s archiver's descriptions is
- described below.
- Each entry MUST exist of ALL of the fields described below, and
- in THAT order. Lines starting with a semi-collon (';') are
- considered comments, and are ignored. Inline comments aren't
- possible. Empty lines are ignored. Before each new type-name, you
- must place a '@'. This is character is used to synchronise
- everything. In this way, it's easier to locate errors in the
- configuration file.
- The %s in the command line, will be substituted with the choosen
- options in GuiArc, preceded by a '-'. Note that not all archivers
- support these options. The flags are given as 'lha' flags. (So
- generally this options are only use-full with 'Lha'...)
- Example configuration for Lha:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- @LHA '@' + Name, max. 5 characters
- #?.(lha|lzh) Recognision file pattern.
- lha %s x Command to unpack the archive
- lha -2Y %s u ,, to add files
- lha -2Y %s m ,, to move files into the archive
- lha v ,, to list the archive
- lha t ,, to test the archive
- lha d ,, to delete files from the archive
- lha v ,, to list files for 'entering'
- -1 Lines to skip at the top of the listing.
- -1 Lines at the bottom of the listing
- 44 Start position of names on the line
- 0 End position of names on the line
- Whenever a command is not available, place a '-' on the line (no
- spaces before or after the '-'!) If you want to be able to
- 'enter' an archive, the last command and the 4 offsets must be
- available. The program uses these to filter the file names out of
- the archive list. Lines starting with a ':' are ignored. Most
- archivers (at least, lha) use this to indicate a file-comment.
- If you use a negative number as top or bottom skip, the program
- skips all lines before/after a line wich starts with a '-' or a
- '='. This is very usefull for archivers who use lines of '-' or
- '=' to indicate the start of the file list. You don't have to
- count lines, and the program will be able to deal with a variable
- number of lines before/after the file list (for example, error
- texts or something like that).
- When you enter a 0 for the end position of the file name on the
- line, the program assumes the name of the file ends at the end of
- the line. Always use this, if the file name is placed at the end
- of the line in the file list.
- Note that when files can't be entered due to the specification of
- the archiver (yet only Zoo is strugling, but that's nog my
- fault...) you're still able to perform all actions on the
- archive, except deleting files from the archive.
- 93/5/29 GuiArc 1.15 Users's Reference Manual. Page 6
- 8. General information and something about the PATH.
- To create some work-space on the workbench screen, without having
- to quit the program, I've made it possible to iconify it. When
- you press the 'Help'-key or the 'I'-key, the program will become
- in-active, closes the window and create an 'icon' on the
- work-bench. A double click on the icon will bring the program
- back on the screen in it's original state. No buffers are cleared
- on iconifying.
- It is very important, that the archivers you use, can be reached
- by the program. Therefore, be sure the directory where the
- archivers are placed is added in the PATH of the program. C: will
- be a fine place to put the archivers.
- If, for one or another reason, it is not possible to add the
- right dir to the path, you can enter the full path before the
- name of the archiver in the configuration file. However, this is
- not the best way to do this, since the available space for the
- commands in the configuration file is limmited to 30 characters.
- If you use this method, don't use relative paths, because the
- programm switches internally between directories.
- Some characters in the gadgets, are underlined. These can be used
- as short-cut for that specific item. I've arranged them in such a
- way, that you can use them best if you leave all your archives in
- the left area, and every thing else in the right area.
- And last, but not least: In case you haven't discovered it by
- now, by double clicking on an archive, you can enter that
- archive, as if it was a directory! (That is, if it can be done
- with the archiver you use.)
- I would like to thank:
- - Marcel Duyn, for testing the program and reading the
- documentation and editing/correcting it.
- - Frank Sloep, for testing the program.
- - Jan van den Baard, for writing the program GadToolsBox.
- - Michiel Willems, for providing the nessecery utilities and
- information trough his BBS (Amiga Bs Online Heemstede,
- +31-23-282002), connecting me to the different mail-areas
- and discouraging me in this project :-((
- - CSA, for manufacturing the Derringer!
- - The brewers of Arcener tarwe white beer, Duvel and Maredsous
- and of course the Amstel beer brewer :-))
- - And of course all coders of those great file archivers!
- Changes in version 1.01:
- - Extended the line-buffer for 'entering' an archive from 100
- to 256 characters. Pretty handy for looooong paths...
- Changes in version 1.10:
- - The 'Delete' function know also works on plain files and
- directories.
- - With the 'Ext/Cp' funtion, it now is posible to copy files
- and directories.
- - With the 'View' option, you now can vies archives and files
- (for example those 'ReadMe' files).
- 93/5/29 GuiArc 1.15 Users's Reference Manual. Page 7
- (Remark: Despite the above options, this program is and has
- been an util to handle archivers. Therefore, the posibility
- to handle plain files, will be restricted.)
- - It has made easier to select multiple files and directories,
- by holding down the left mouse button during selection, and
- moving the mouse up and/or down.
- - When changing the active path in a scroller, or rereading
- the scroller after some actions, the current position of the
- scroller, will be kept as much as possible. (An idea of
- Marcel Duyn.)
- - If you enter an empty path for a scroller (or click on the
- 'Drives' gadget), a list of available volumes and assigns
- will be shown. (An idea of Michiel Willems.)
- - Optimized the internal structure of the program. This has
- made the program relative smaller and easier to
- exetend/adjust.
- Changes in version 1.15:
- - Made scrollerbars 8 pixels smaller and added the room to the
- list-view, so one more character can be displayed :-)) Gives
- a nicer look.
- - Fixed the ugly look when you used a "default screentext"
- other than 8 pts. topaz.
- - Fixed the 'text-mixing' if you chainged the configurable
- gadgets when you worked on a screen smaller than 256 pixels
- high.
- - Fixed the placing of the string-requester and the
- output-window, when you work on BIG WorkBenches.
- - Changed the system-requester style about requester, to a
- custom-made one with a kind of a logo. This one will pop-up
- every time the programm is executed. You can disable this,
- by selecting 'Configure' in the menu and then select the
- 'Save' gadget.
- - Improved the control possibilities on the external commands,
- using the new dos System function, in stead of the old
- Execute function.
- 93/5/29 GuiArc 1.15 Users's Reference Manual. Page 8
- 9. And finaly.
- I made this program as part of my hobby. That's why its FreeWare,
- and why I absolutely do not ask you for any share in the costs.
- But I would like to know if you like this program, and how many
- people like it. So, if you like it, please let me know by sending
- me a post-card or net-mail or something like that. Ofcourse in
- case you like the program so very much, and want to make a
- donation, you're welcome! :-)) And I do appreciate eventually
- bug reports.
- You can reach me at the address below ( although I'm doing my
- military duty for the rest of this year (1993) so I'm only the
- weekends at home... :-((( )
- Fido: 2:280/464.2 or Amy: 39:151/1.2 or
- Patrick van Beem
- Parlevinker 5
- 2152 LC Nieuw-Vennep
- The Netherlands
- © Februari, April, May 1993 by,
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